
Miami Guardianship Lawyers

Miami Guardianship Lawyers Helping You Through the Guardianship Process

As people get older or face health challenges, they may no longer be capable of taking care of themselves or doing the basic tasks necessary for an adult in the modern world. However, there is a legal process known as guardianship that can be a helpful option when a loved one has become hindered.

In a guardianship process, the court grants an individual the authority to make important health or financial decisions for a person who is incapacitated and thus unable to do so themselves.

Although this may seem like a straightforward procedure, guardianship cases can get complicated, leading to disputes between loved ones and the court. If you or a loved one are considering how guardianship may be beneficial to you, we urge you to reach out to our legal team at Miami Family Law Group, PLLC to help you mitigate such issues from arising in the first place.

At Miami Family Law Group, PLLC, our skilled family law attorneys know the ins and outs of Florida guardianship law. We can help answer your questions, guide you through the guardianship process, and represent you in court if necessary.

To speak with an attorney and get started protecting the rights and interests of you and your loved one today, call 305-520-7874.

Our Miami Guardianship Lawyer Helps You Understand Guardianship Guidelines in Florida

Guardianship is a legal, court-established relationship that allows a person (the guardian) to make decisions on behalf of another person (the ward) who cannot make decisions for themselves.

Typically, the court appoints guardians in two types of cases:

  • To allow a person to make decisions for minor children if their parents are unable to.
  • To allow an individual to make decisions for a person who is incapacitated due to mental disability or illness.

A guardian is obligated to make decisions in the ward's best interest.

Understanding Legal Guardianship in Florida: What Are the Types of Guardianships?

In Florida, there are several types of child and adult guardianship to choose from depending on the needs of everyone involved, such as:

Emergency Guardianship

As you might assume, emergency guardianship can be an option for individuals who are immediately in harm's way, such as those needing emergency medical treatment or in need of getting out of a dangerous situation. To process an emergency guardianship, a court may grant the guardianship after a brief hearing or, in some cases, without a hearing. Emergency guardianships are not a long-term solution, as they only grant limited authority, but they can be a precursor to permanent guardianship.


Conservatorship is a court-granted form of guardianship that mostly applies to decisions regarding an individual's finances, assets, and estate. There are two main types of conservatorships in Florida: limited and general. A limited conservatorship is typically used for people with mental disabilities, whereas general conservatorships tend to be used for incapacitated adults who are unable to handle their finances because of mental issues or impairments. To process a conservatorship in Florida, a petition requesting a conservatorship must be requested from the court.

Testamentary Guardianship

In the case both parents of a child pass away, a testamentary guardianship can be granted. This type of guardianship is usually determined beforehand in a will, where parents will identify who they wish to act as guardian of either their minor child or an adult child with a disability in the event of their death. If the preferred guardian is unable to take on the role, a court may appoint a different guardian.

Temporary Guardianship

Temporary guardianships can be granted by a court for a specified amount of time to fulfill certain roles. For example, if a parent is sentenced to prison, temporary guardianship can be granted over their minor children while the parent completes their sentence.

Limited Guardianship

Limited guardianship works as it sounds: limitedly. In this type of guardianship, the guardian is granted specific and limited decision-making authority. Limited guardianships usually permit decision-making power for things that are only needed for a certain period, such as medical decisions for someone who is incapacitated due to a medical problem (e.g., a coma).

What Are the Requirements to Serve as a Guardian in Florida?

To become a legal guardian in Florida, it is necessary to meet a handful of prerequisites. First, you need to be at least 18 years old. Next, you must be a legal resident of the United States, except when you are a close relative of the person you wish to be the guardian of. You must also be in a good mental and emotional state and be capable of making responsible decisions for someone else.

If you have a history of felonies, abuse, neglect, or exploitation, that will disqualify you from being a legal guardian. In the case that you will be managing a ward's finances as a guardian, you may need to post a bond to protect the individual's assets.

Under Florida law, completing a guardian education course is required of all guardians. The court gives you four months to finish the course after you have been appointed as a guardian. If everything is in order, the court will then determine if you are fit for the job and, if so, approve you as a guardian.

These requirements can vary depending on what type of guardianship is being sought and the specifics of the case. Regardless, a guardianship attorney can guide you through the process and make sure you are on the right track.

What Are the Responsibilities of a Guardian in Florida?

A guardian's exact responsibilities depend on the circumstances surrounding the guardianship appointment and orders from the court. However, in Florida, a guardian who is related to the ward needs to at least fulfill the following responsibilities before they can assume a guardianship position:

  • Attend an eight-hour educational course
  • Submit to a criminal and background check

After completing these tasks, the person will need to act in the best interest of the ward while fulfilling the duties laid out by the court. They may also need to report back to the court and complete certain required forms throughout the guardianship relationship.

How to Obtain a Florida Guardianship

Although the process of guardianship can vary depending on the case, the people involved, and the circumstances of those people, the general process typically follows these steps:

  1. Determining the type of guardianship - First, figure out which kind of guardianship suits the needs of those involved. This can vary depending if the guardianship involves caring for a minor, an incapacitated person, or simply managing someone's property.
  2. Preparing and submitting the petition for guardianship - Filing a petition involves gathering the necessary documents, filling out the required paperwork, paying the correct fees, and submitting the petition to the court.
  3. Serving a notice - It is important to make sure all involved parties are informed of the guardianship process and their rights. Parties such as the individual who will have guardianship over them (known as the ward), their relatives, and any other person relevant to the process should be informed.
  4. Court evaluation- An evaluator may be assigned by the court to investigate the situation. An examining committee may look into the case to determine if the ward is truly incapacitated or not. The investigating party will be in charge of providing a report to the court that explains the need for guardianship and the suitability of the potential guardian.
  5. Attending court hearings- It is likely court hearings will be part of the process. This typically includes an initial hearing where the court reviews the petition along with any other relevant information. Then, there is a final hearing where the court determines if guardianship is necessary and approves the guardianship if everything is in order.
  6. Letter of guardianship - Following the approval of the guardianship, you will soon receive a letter of guardianship that grants you the legal right to act as the guardian.
  7. Fulfilling responsibilities and annual reporting- Once you have received the official letters and received the court order, you can now embrace your role as guardian. However, this is a serious responsibility that requires you to stay up to date with the appropriate tasks. Along with newfound responsibilities, an annual report must be filed with the court to ensure the guardianship is going well.

Although the above is the typical path to obtaining guardianship, each situation can vary depending on the details and specifics involved. Guardianships can become a complicated process that can grow to be a serious weight on those involved. Working with an experienced guardianship attorney is a sure way to minimize the stress of securing guardianship, allowing you and your loved ones to move forward with your lives faster.

How Can a Guardianship Attorney Help You?

Guardianship matters can get overwhelming, making a guardianship attorney invaluable aid in the process. Here are some ways our guardianship attorneys can be a help to you:

  • A legal guide - A guardianship attorney knows the intricacies of the law surrounding guardianship and conservatorships well. They can simplify the legal wording for you, explain the clear-cut requirements, and help you complete the documentation needed to complete the process properly and quickly.
  • Representation and litigation - It is likely that your guardianship proceedings will involve several court hearings. A lawyer can represent your interests and advocate on your behalf during guardianship litigation. Our lawyers know how to present cases, protect our clients' rights, and fight for the best outcome for both our clients and their loved ones.
  • Conflict resolution - Family disputes or conflicts can arise in a guardianship case. However, your guardianship attorney can act as a peacemaker, helping you to negotiate and mediate such disputes, relieving you and your family of further burdens.
  • Ensure compliance- Guardianship comes with specific legal requirements, but an attorney can guide you through the maze of notices, evaluation reports, and education courses, making sure you stay on track and avoid any potential missteps.
  • Ongoing support - Following the granting of guardianship, there are ongoing responsibilities for you to comply with. A guardianship attorney can provide you with continued support, answer additional questions, provide further legal guidance, and help with annual reports.

Guardianship can become a draining legal matter, but with an experienced legal representative at your side, you can feel confident that your interests and rights are protected.

Guardianship FAQs


Who Can Be Appointed as a Guardian in Florida?

Answer: In Florida, anyone who is over 18, a resident of the state, and of sound mind may be appointed as a guardian, although non-residents can also serve as guardians under certain conditions. The court prefers family members when appointing a guardian, but anyone who can demonstrate the ability to act in the best interests of the ward may qualify. Our lawyers can help you determine if you are eligible to serve as a guardian, and we can assist in presenting your qualifications to the court.


What Responsibilities Does a Guardian Have in Florida?

Answer: Guardians in Florida have a wide range of responsibilities. They may be tasked with making healthcare decisions for the ward, including medical treatments and end-of-life care choices. Managing the ward's finances is another significant responsibility; this includes paying bills and overseeing how the ward's funds are used. Guardians are also expected to provide for the ward's daily needs, ensuring they live in a safe and suitable environment. Regular reporting to the court on the ward's condition and financial status may also be required, and guardians must always act in the best interests of the ward, considering their preferences whenever possible.


Can Guardianship Be Challenged?

Answer: Yes, guardianship can be challenged under specific circumstances. Anyone interested in the welfare of the ward may challenge a guardianship appointment if they believe it is not in the ward’s best interests. Our attorneys can help navigate the process of contesting an inappropriate guardianship or addressing other concerns about the well-being of the ward.


How Can a Guardianship Be Terminated?

Answer: In Florida, guardianships can be terminated when the ward regains capacity, the guardian resigns, or the ward passes away. A petition to remove the guardian can be filed with the court by interested parties, such as family members. This petition must provide valid reasons, such as misconduct, neglect, or failure to act in the ward's best interests. The court will then review the evidence and decide on the guardian's removal.


How Does Guardianship Differ from a Power of Attorney?

Answer: A Power of Attorney (POA) is a document that allows a person to name someone who will have the legal authority to make decisions on their behalf. The key difference between guardianship and POA is that a POA requires the person granting the authority to be of sound mind when executing the document. Guardianship, on the other hand, may be established by the court when a person is no longer capable of making decisions on their own. In many situations, guardianship may become necessary because a power of attorney was not created before a person lost the capacity to address their own needs or make their own decisions. Our lawyers can provide guidance on which option is best for your loved one, and we can ensure that the appropriate legal procedures will be followed.


How Can an Attorney Help Address Issues Related to Guardianship?

Answer: The process of establishing guardianship can involve complex legal concerns, and it can also be emotionally challenging, particularly when a loved one’s well-being is at stake. Our guardianship attorneys can provide essential guidance through each step of a case, from determining whether guardianship is necessary to representing you in court proceedings. We approach every guardianship case with a combination of compassion and legal precision, ensuring that you fulfill all of your legal obligations while taking steps to safeguard the rights of your loved one. Our goal is to simplify a potentially overwhelming process and help you navigate the legal system efficiently and effectively.

Speak With a Miami Guardianship Attorney

Whether you are considering how guardianship may help you, your family, or any other loved one, our team at Miami Family Law Group, PLLC is available to answer your questions. Taking on guardianship, whether it is of a child or an adult, is a major responsibility that deserves the utmost attention and care.

At our law offices, our attorneys are well-versed in the realm of guardianship, and we can help you from the beginning stages of determining what guardianship suits your situation best to the final stages of authorizing the guardianship in the state of Florida. We will work to ensure that you and your loved ones can move forward with the adjustments of decision-making power.

Our attorneys have been practicing law in Miami, Florida for decades, and we understand what a big step and adjustment legal guardianship can be. Let yourself prioritize your and your loved one's needs by letting our lawyers handle the complicated legal side of guardianship for you.

Start working with a Miami, Florida guardianship attorney today! Contact us at 305-520-7874.

Contact Miami Family Law Group, PLLC

Our attorneys are ready to help address your legal needs. Schedule an appointment by calling 305-520-7874 or contacting us online.

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