
Miami Family Law Attorneys

Miami-Dade County Divorce, Child Custody, and Estate Planning Lawyers

For many people, few things can be more stressful than dealing with legal issues. Going to court, filing legal documents, answering questions asked by a judge, and handling other legal concerns can be overwhelming for those who are not familiar with these procedures. For family members who need to address legal matters, the stress of dealing with these issues can be especially difficult, since they may also be experiencing high levels of conflict and other emotional concerns. To ensure that family law concerns can be handled correctly, it is crucial to work with an experienced attorney.

At Miami Family Law Group, PLLC, we work to ensure that our clients are fully prepared to address legal issues, resolve disputes, and follow all required procedures. We believe in taking a compassionate approach and working to resolve disputes as amicably as possible. However, we always make sure our clients understand the best ways to protect their rights and ensure that they will be able to move forward following the completion of their cases.


Our attorneys can assist with many different types of family law matters, including helping spouses end their marriages through divorce or working with parents to create child custody agreements that protect their children’s best interests. We encourage you to contact us at 305-520-7874 and schedule a consultation where we can discuss your case, advise you of your options, and begin building a strategy for success.

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Effective Representation for Divorcing Spouses

When a couple’s marriage breaks down, divorce may be the best option for the family. The process of ending a marriage can be difficult, especially when there are high levels of conflict between spouses. Our attorneys provide representation in divorce cases, helping spouses determine their best options for resolving disputes, addressing financial concerns, and negotiating agreements that will protect their interests.

We work to ensure that all divorce-related issues will be handled correctly. We can provide guidance on how to address financial concerns related to the division of property, alimony, and more. We can also help determine whether mediation may be a good option for resolving disputes, and we will work to negotiate workable settlements or advocate for our clients in the courtroom during divorce litigation.


Honest very Fair Reasonable Compassionate will not run your bills please give her a chance she has represented me for 5 Yrs just a good person she won all for me more than that she is very helpful. Just a example It took 5 yrs my Ex was Very Angry Sadly she found a Attorney who promised...- Denis Thali

Emily Phillips helped my family navigate and win a difficult child custody case. A wise, tough lawyer who cares about her clients. She was a godsend after 3 very bad lawyers...- Megan B.

Ms. Phillips is an extremely empathetic and professional Lawyer. She handled our Petition of Guardianship, and 2 Last Will and Testaments, in a very swift and detailed manner. Upon my Father's passi g on, she reached out to our family, offering her condolences...- Nora Adler

Emily Phillips successfully helped me to resolve a highly bitter divorce case with an excellent outcome! My ex was unreasonable and only out for blood and revenge. Her attorney only cared about taking my money and padding his pocket by filing lawsuit after...- Satisfied Client

Hired Emily thru a Friend Reccomendation in 2011... Very Honest Understanding Down to earth Person,,, Doesnt up sell or makes False Promises says it as it is . Very Logical and upfront ...I went thru 2 Trails and she won it all. The opposing Lawyer was a Bluff...- Denis

Emily has been helping us on all our closings. She has always provided us with an exceptional service and we are looking forward working with Emily on our next deal....- Satisfied Client

Helping Parents Address Child Custody Issues

child custody

For married parents who are planning to get a divorce, issues related to the custody of their children will likely be among their most important concerns. Unmarried parents may also need to address child custody issues as well. Determining whether parents will share legal and/or physical custody or whether sole custody may be appropriate can be a complex matter, but the most important factor in these cases will be the best interests of the child.

Our family law attorneys provide representation for parents in child custody cases, helping them find solutions that will allow them to maintain important relationships while providing for their children’s ongoing needs. We can work to resolve disputes between parents and craft agreements that will allow them to work together as co-parents and put their children’s best interests first. We can also help address related issues, such as child support or parental relocation.

child custody

Legal Help With Other Family Law Issues

We can provide assistance with a variety of other legal issues that may affect families. We represent family members in adoption and guardianship cases. We can help establish paternity or create prenuptial or postnuptial agreements. We can also work with clients to request restraining orders in cases involving domestic violence or enforce court orders put in place in divorce or child custody cases.

Assistance With Estate Planning and Probate

It is important for families to be prepared for whatever challenges the future may bring. Estate planning can be crucial for addressing the needs of different family members and ensuring that a person’s wishes will be followed. We work with clients to establish wills and trusts, protect assets, minimize taxes, and provide for a person’s needs throughout their lifetime. We can also provide representation during the probate process to ensure that a person’s assets will be distributed to their beneficiaries correctly after their death.

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Can I Prove I Am the Father if the Mother Objects?

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In Florida, paternity can be established in various ways. When a straight, married couple has a baby, the wife is considered the mother, and the husband is considered the father......Read More

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When a couple in Florida decides to get a divorce, there are several steps they need to go through before their marriage is officially and legally over. One of the......Read More

Florida Residency Requirements for Snowbird Divorce

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If you live in Florida, chances are you know what a snowbird is. No, this article is not about a winged animal that moves around based on weather patterns. In......Read More

Contact Miami Family Law Group, PLLC

Our attorneys are ready to help address your legal needs. Schedule an appointment by calling 305-520-7874 or contacting us online.

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