
Miami Divorce Lawyer

Divorce Attorneys to Protect Your Assets and Parental Rights in Miami, FL

Ending a marriage is not exactly a desirable outcome, but in certain circumstances, it is for the best. Has your marriage caused significant pain and burdened your mental, physical, and emotional well-being? It may be time to finally let go.

Divorce is already difficult for couples. However, when children are involved, it can be a much heavier process. With an experienced divorce attorney, you can ensure that your and your children's rights are recognized and given full protection under the law.

Florida follows the no-fault divorce system. That means couples can decide to separate without having to prove any fault or mistakes made throughout the marriage.

However, the biggest challenge arises when your soon-to-be ex-spouse contests the divorce. But whether your divorce is contested or uncontested, it is in your best interest to hire a seasoned family law lawyer in Miami who can help you not be married to the fight.

Settle Divorce Issues With Ease and Efficiency

Divorce has a far-reaching effect on your and your children's lives. To ensure you can move forward without much difficulty, a divorce attorney can also help settle the following:

Protect your rights with an experienced Miami divorce attorney. Schedule a consultation with Miami Family Law Group, PLLC today.

Helping You Find Peace of Mind Through a Florida Divorce

After the honeymoon phase, you might slowly realize that you no longer recognize the person you married. You may not see eye-to-eye on essential matters such as finances, parenting, and career growth. Or you might be annoyed by their habits and negligence regarding chores and domestic duties. These may not seem like deal-breakers for some, but coping with these personality traits every day for years can wear you down.

Fortunately, Florida is a no-fault divorce state. Whenever you decide to end a marriage, you do not have to prove any fault that led to this recourse. The process only requires one spouse to file the petition with the court.

An experienced divorce attorney can help ensure the proper process is followed. Schedule a consultation by contacting Miami Family Law Group, PLLC today.

Resolve Disputes With Ease and Efficiency Through Mediation

In every divorce proceeding, a couple should settle numerous issues before finalizing the papers. Among other vital considerations, they must address the division of property and assets and possibly spousal support (alimony). For couples with children, custody and child support are critical matters for discussion and agreement. In cases with a large number of assets and property, we provide experience in high-asset divorce cases.

If you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse cannot agree on these issues, the court will require you to go through mediation before resorting to a trial. During mediation, you and your partner will have the opportunity to address your concerns, and a mediator will act as the voice of reason to keep the discussion calm.

Your legal counsel will be present during the mediation to provide advice and protect your rights. Free yourself from the fight by consulting an experienced Miami divorce attorney.

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Responding to Divorce Papers Without Being Married to the Fight

Once you file a divorce petition and your soon-to-be ex-spouse receives a copy, he or she has 20 days to respond. If there are no disputes regarding property division, child custody, support, and related issues, or if you have already agreed upon these matters, a judge will sign an order to finalize the dissolution of your marriage.

However, if disputes arise, or if your spouse contests the divorce, you may be required to undergo the mediation process. The matter will go to trial if you and your spouse cannot reach a resolution during mediation. Are you concerned about your rights? An experienced divorce attorney will ensure they are protected and upheld.

How Long Will it Take to Get Divorced?

In Florida, several factors can affect the amount of time before a dissolution of marriage is finalized.

A lawyer can prepare the petition in approximately one month in an uncontested divorce. The court would take roughly three months to finalize the dissolution. That gives you about four months to get the divorce finalized.

For a contested divorce, however, you can look at three months to several years. It varies depending on how the mediation will go or if you need to go to trial.

Contact Our Miami Divorce Lawyers

Contact our firm at 305-520-7874 to schedule a consultation with a competent Miami divorce attorney who helps unhappy families find peace of mind.

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Contact Miami Family Law Group, PLLC

Our attorneys are ready to help address your legal needs. Schedule an appointment by calling 305-520-7874 or contacting us online.

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