
Miami Property Division Lawyers

Miami Property Division Lawyers Working Toward Equitable Distribution

Divorce is stressful for everyone involved, for a number of reasons. You may not have had any knowledge of your spouse's plans for divorce, or perhaps you have been putting off the decision for longer than you would have liked. You may have children to think of.

When it comes to the division of marital property in a divorce, the state of Florida requires that it be done in an equitable distribution manner. This means that if they have to get involved, the court will divide the marital assets fairly, taking into account the contributions of both spouses during the marriage. To avoid this, or to ensure that this is done in a way that best suits your individual needs, it is important to have a Miami property division lawyer from Miami Family Law Group, PLLC on your side.

At Miami Family Law Group, PLLC, we have experienced and knowledgeable family lawyers in Miami who are dedicated to representing your best interests. We understand that the division of marital property is an extremely personal and complex process, and we strive to provide our clients with the highest quality legal advice and representation.

Arrange a consultation with one of our Miami divorce lawyers today by calling 305-520-7874.

Community Property Vs. Equitable Distribution

Community property is a method of property distribution in which assets acquired during a marriage are divided equally between spouses. Equitable distribution is a method of property distribution in which assets are divided based on the individual circumstances of the couple. A family law attorney can help the parties decide which method of property distribution is best for their situation, provide advice on how to divide their assets fairly, and represent their clients in court if necessary.

Equitable Distribution of Marital Property in Your Divorce

It can be really easy to let emotions get the better of you when you are trying to come to an amicable agreement during your divorce, but unfortunately, this usually results in the breakdown of communications.

The best way to avoid this and to avoid court involvement, which will cost you both money and time and may result in a decision neither of you is happy with, is to seek legal representation from a family law firm. Our attorneys will be able to employ negotiation and mediation tactics that create a space for a productive discussion between you and your ex-spouse.

Marital Property Vs. Non-Marital Property

Florida is an equitable distribution state, meaning that if your case is seen by a judge in family court, they will divide the marital estate in a way that they see to be fair and reasonable. This does not always mean a 50/50 split.

Before this division can happen, the courts will expect both parties to disclose their assets, finances, debts, and income. These assets will then be divided into marital and non-marital property. Non-marital property includes any assets acquired before the marriage, and it will remain in possession of the owner. Marital property will include any assets acquired during the course of the marriage, with several exceptions, such as compensation, inheritance, and gifts.

All marital property is subject to equitable distribution. It includes any property that was bought during the marriage, all savings accrued during the marriage, and any investments made during the marriage. Marital property also includes any debts from the marriage.

Typically all marital property is equitably divided upon the end of the marriage. However, the courts will listen to appeals and will consider numerous factors when they decide upon an equitable split that is not 50/50. Those factors include:

  • How much each individual has contributed to the marriage. This includes sacrifices to look after children and the home, such as leaving a job or deciding against further education.
  • The total income of each party and the total income of the household.
  • How long the spouses were married to each other.
  • Whether or not one party should be allowed to keep a business they have built by themselves.
  • Whether or not one party will gain custody of their children and need to retain the marital home in order to reduce displacement in the children's lives.
  • Whether it has been proven that one party has hidden assets from the court during the disclosure of financial information.

Assets That Are Counted as Both Marital and Non-Marital

In certain situations, marital assets may fall under both marital property and non-marital property rules. When this happens, it becomes much more difficult to divide the assets.

An example of this would be if one spouse owned a house before the marriage, but both parties have lived in the house for a number of years and have both contributed to the upkeep or renovation of the house. In this case, if a non-marital asset has increased in value, it will need to be decided if the increase was passive or active. A passive increase would be if the house increased in market value naturally. An active increase would be if the house is worth more because the two parties have added an extension or made improvements to the house.

Any enhancement in the value of a non-marital asset that has occurred during the marriage due to efforts from either party or increases funded by marital funds will count as marital property.

My Spouse Is Hiding Assets. What Should I Do?

When property division is dealt with by the court, each party owes a fiduciary duty to the other. This means that during the time the case is running, neither party is allowed to move, sell, or tamper with any of the marital property or separate property until the decision on the equitable distribution of the assets has been decided.

This duty is there for a reason, and it is designed to ensure that both parties inform the court of their true financial status as it stands. It means that the court must be presented with a full list of all of the assets the parties own separately and together.

If it is found that one party has decided to mishandle or hide assets on purpose to avoid the court from finding them or dividing them, then there may be serious legal penalties for that individual. However, even with these legal penalties, our property division lawyers often deal with cases where one party is hiding assets. Some of the most common ways people try to hide assets are:

  • Giving money to friends that they will later pay back to the individual.
  • Buying of goods of high value that can be sold after the divorce is over.
  • Sending income and savings to offshore accounts.
  • Under-reporting how much income a business or individual makes.
  • Failing to report an asset.

Investigation of Hidden Assets With a Property Division Attorney

Making sure that all of the assets of both parties are included in any calculations made by the courts is crucial if you want a fair and reasonable split, and it is also important for child support and alimony calculations.

One common and complicated asset that people have begun to obtain in recent years is cryptocurrency. Many people believe that due to the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency, we cannot investigate their holdings. This is not true. With a skilled investigator, our Miami property division attorney can uncover cryptocurrency holdings so that they can be included in any calculations made.

Other Areas Our Miami Property Division Attorneys Cover

  • Divorce - Divorce is a difficult and emotional experience for everyone involved. A family law attorney can provide advice and guidance throughout the entire process. They can help the couple agree on issues such as child custody and visitation, property division, spousal support, and other divorce-related matters.
  • Child Support - Child support is a payment from one parent to the other for the care and maintenance of the children. A family law attorney can help the parents come to an agreement on child support payments and ensure the amount is fair and in the best interests of the children. An attorney can also help in enforcing court orders or modifying existing child support arrangements.
  • Child Custody - Child custody is a legal arrangement that determines which parent has primary responsibility for the care and well-being of the children. A family lawyer can help parents come to an agreement on custody arrangements, or in the event of a dispute, they can represent their client in court. They can also provide advice on visitation rights and other related issues.
  • Spousal Support - Spousal support, also known as alimony, is a payment from one spouse to the other in order to provide financial support. A family attorney from Miami Family Law Group, PLLC can help the parties come to an agreement on the amount and duration of the spousal support payments. We can also provide legal representation in court hearings and assist in enforcing or modifying existing spousal support orders.

Property Division FAQs


What Is Marital Property?

Answer: Marital property includes assets and debts acquired during the marriage, regardless of whose name is on the title. Assets that may need to be addressed include real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, retirement accounts, and personal property. In general, any money that was earned or items that were purchased by either spouse will be considered marital property.


What Is Separate Property?

Answer: Separate property refers to assets and debts that one spouse acquired before the marriage or after a couple had legally separated. Assets a spouse received through an inheritance or gift during the marriage will also be considered separate property. These assets will typically remain with the original owner unless they have been mixed with marital property.


Are All Assets Divided 50/50 During a Divorce?

Answer: No, equitable distribution does not always mean equal. Courts will seek to divide things fairly, and various factors may be taken into account to ensure that each party's financial interests will be protected. Each case is unique, and the process of dividing property can vary based on a couple's unique circumstances, the needs of each party, and other factors. However, even though the division does not have to be 50/50, the court will work to ensure that the allocation of assets and debts is fair and will provide each spouse with the financial resources needed to succeed after completing their divorce.


What Happens to the Family Home During a Divorce?

Answer: The family home is often regarded as one of the most significant marital assets a couple may own. The court may award the home to one spouse, especially if a couple's minor children will be living primarily with that spouse. In these cases, the other spouse will typically receive other types of marital assets that are similar in value to the equity owned in the home. The mortgage will need to be refinanced, and one spouse's name will need to be removed from the home's title. A spouse who wishes to maintain ownership of their home will need to ensure that they will have the financial resources to cover ongoing expenses, including mortgage payments and utilities. If it will not be possible for one spouse to maintain sole ownership, the home may be sold, and the proceeds will be divided between the spouses.


Can We Negotiate Our Own Property Division Agreement?

Answer: Yes, spouses can negotiate a divorce settlement that details how property will be divided. If both parties agree on the terms of a settlement, they can present this agreement to the court for approval. This will often allow for a quicker and less contentious divorce process. It is important to work with an attorney when negotiating a settlement to ensure that you understand the ramifications of the decisions you make and will be able to address any related financial concerns.


How Are Retirement Accounts Divided During a Divorce?

Answer: Retirement accounts are considered marital property if funds were saved in these accounts during a couple's marriage. If necessary, the funds in these accounts may be allocated between spouses. A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) can be used to facilitate the division of these accounts. Using a QDRO will avoid penalties for withdrawal of funds before the account holder reaches retirement age.


Will Debts Be Divided During Our Divorce?

Answer: Yes, marital debts are also subject to equitable distribution. The court will allocate outstanding debts based on factors similar to those considered when dividing marital assets. To ensure that issues related to marital debts will be addressed correctly, it is important to work with an attorney who can advocate for fair and equitable arrangements.

Contact Our Miami, Florida Property Division Attorneys

Your property settlement will have a big impact on your financial future, so it is important that you have guidance from an experienced property division lawyer who has your best interests at heart.

The equitable distribution process can be highly contentious. We will fight to protect certain assets that are important to you, and we will ensure that the outcome is in line with your rights and interests.

Speak to an experienced Miami property division lawyer today by calling 305-520-7874 or contacting us online.

Contact Miami Family Law Group, PLLC

Our attorneys are ready to help address your legal needs. Schedule an appointment by calling 305-520-7874 or contacting us online.

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