
Miami Divorce Modification Lawyers

Trusted Miami Divorce Modification Lawyers Fighting for Your Peace of Mind

Getting divorced does not always end after a decree is issued. Both parties need to adhere to the resolution of the case. That covers child custody, child support, distribution of assets, and related matters.

However, you might be undergoing significant life changes, therefore making it challenging to comply with these orders. In such situations, you can file for a post-judgment modification.

What Is Post-Judgement Modification in Florida?

A post-judgment modification is a legal recourse that divorced couples have when there is a need to change the terms of their resolution. Either party can file it for various reasons.

If you need to file a petition for modification, you have to show the cause of why it is necessary. After collecting evidence, you must present your case to modify the decree.

This is when you need a divorce lawyer who can guide you through the process and provide advice based on your goals. Contact us for a consultation if you need to file for a modification.

How to Modify a Divorce Decree

A party can petition the court for modification when the divorce agreement's terms need updating to accommodate the family's current needs. Before going to court, it is recommended that the resolution and change be discussed by the divorced couple first. Similar to the initial divorce process, it is best to mutually agree on the changes instead of engaging in litigation.

If you and your ex can agree, you will have to sign a new document detailing the change and have it notarized before submitting it to the court. It will undergo review, and the court will issue a new decree afterward.

But if your ex disagrees with the modification, the recourse is to ask the court to reopen the divorce proceeding. You will need to present evidence and information as to why the court needs to change the decree. The decision will ultimately be in the hands of a judge.

Common Reasons to Modify a Divorce Decree in Miami, FL

For a court to modify the divorce decree, you must be able to show cause and explain why such a change is needed. A divorce decree can only be modified under specific, necessary circumstances, such as:

  • You have uncovered new facts that should have been included in the original divorce proceeding
  • Your ex-spouse has hidden marital assets (this new evidence can change the decision about property division)
  • You are planning to move to a different state (especially if this relocation creates difficulty in complying with the custody and visitation order)
  • You lose your job, which impacts your ability to pay child support or spousal support
  • Your job obligations interfere with the parenting schedule
  • You develop a serious illness
  • The child or children's needs evolve as they grow up

Contact Miami Family Law Group, PLLC today if you need to consult a divorce modification attorney about the requirements.

What Happens if I Do Not File for Divorce Modification?

Suppose you did not ask the court for modification and failed to follow the divorce decree, custody arrangement, or child support order. In that case, you could be charged with contempt of court.

Not following divorce orders can have serious consequences. To avoid this outcome, communicate with your ex-spouse about your plans and consult a divorce modification lawyer who can assist you in filing a petition.

Contact Our Miami Divorce Modification Attorneys

If you find yourself in a situation that might need a change in your divorce decree, you can count on Miami Family Law Group, PLLC. We have the experience and knowledge to help guide you through the modification process.

We will start by assessing your situation and then provide you with options based on the facts and circumstances of your case. From there, we can help process your petition.

Feel free to contact us at 305-520-7874 to schedule a consultation.

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Contact Miami Family Law Group, PLLC

Our attorneys are ready to help address your legal needs. Schedule an appointment by calling 305-520-7874 or contacting us online.

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