
Do I Need a Certified Financial Litigator for My Divorce? 

 Posted on January 09, 2025 in Divorce

Miami, FL family law attorneyAlthough divorce is rarely a walk in the park, for some couples divorce presents unique challenges. This is especially true when a couple shares a high net worth because their financial picture is typically substantially more complicated and therefore difficult to divide.

For some couples, a Certified Financial Litigator (CFL) is the answer to these troubles. In addition to other financial experts, a CFL can really dig into the details of a couple’s overall financial picture and do the fact-finding needed to help a couple negotiate a fair divorce decree. To learn more, read on and then contact our Miami, FL asset division lawyers for further help.

What is a Certified Financial Litigator, and What Do They Do in a Divorce? 

To become a CFL, the certifying authority requires candidates to be accepted by the Academy, be in good standing, and complete special CFL certification requirements before passing an exam. The CFL program equips attorneys to understand complex financial topics, including: 

  • Calculating child support and alimony

  • Financial statement analysis

  • Tax returns and other tax documents 

  • Business valuations

  • Forensic accounting

  • Wages, bonuses, and other forms of income 

  • Financial data reports 

Usually, people who choose CFLs do so because they are concerned that there are factors in their divorce that will make negotiating a fair financial settlement difficult or impossible.

If someone’s spouse owns a large business, is hiding income, tries to avoid child or spousal support payments, wastes marital assets in particularly complex ways, or otherwise presents a complicated financial picture, a CFL may be the best person to address the problem.

Are There Alternatives to Certified Financial Litigators in Divorce? 

Of course, even if some people recommend that you hire a CFL to help you through your divorce, you should never hire anyone you do not want to hire. Other financial advisors may be able to help you just as well, depending on your situation. Other financial experts you may want to consider include:

  • Certified Public Accountant: A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is a financial expert most people hire for their tax needs. A CPA can help you understand how various divorce settlements are likely to impact your future tax filings and give you advice on how to maximize your tax deductions.

  • Forensic Accountant: A forensic accountant combines auditing, accounting, and investigative experience to look at financial records and resolve questions of fact. For example, if it is unclear how much of a home belongs to a spouse whose name is on the title, and how much of it belongs to a spouse who has lived there for years and contributed to the home’s increase in value, a forensic accountant can help answer that question.

  • Financial Mediator: For couples who hope to resolve their financial disputes using negotiation rather than litigation, a financial mediator is a neutral third party who specifically focuses on helping couples negotiate tough questions about money.

Call a Miami, FL Family Law Attorney for Help Finding Financial Experts in Your Divorce

No matter what kind of outside assistance you need, the experienced Miami, FL divorce attorneys with Miami Family Law Group, PLLC can help you find it. Our job is to make your life easier, whether that is by guiding you through the tricky legal parts of divorce or making sure you have financial counselors to help you pursue a favorable divorce settlement. Call 305-520-7874 today to schedule an initial attorney meeting.

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