
How to Protect Your Children From an Abusive Ex

 Posted on August 12, 2024 in Domestic Violence

FL family lawyerDealing with an abusive ex can be incredibly challenging. It becomes more problematic if you have children together. As a parent, you want to protect your children from domestic violence while trying to manage the emotional and legal impact on your family. If you are trying to navigate a situation like this, speak with a trusted Miami, FL family law attorney to understand your options.

Legal Steps to Take

Abuse can come in many forms, including physical, emotional, and verbal, and it can have a significant impact on your children. If your ex is abusive, you need to take action to protect yourself and your children. Some of the legal steps you might consider are:

  • Requesting a restraining order: In Miami, you can apply for a restraining order if you fear for your or your children’s safety. This enforceable legal document has the legal authority to prohibit your ex from contacting you or coming near you and your children. If you have evidence of abuse, this can help support your request.
  • Documenting everything: Keep a detailed record of any incidents of abuse. This includes dates, times, and descriptions of what happened. If any medical care is necessary, keep any relevant paperwork. Save any threatening messages, emails, or voicemails. This can be crucial if you need to prove your case in court.
  • Updating custody agreements: If you have a custody agreement, you might need to modify it to protect your children. You can request supervised visitation or other restrictions to limit your ex’s access if you are concerned about your children being alone with him. A lawyer can help you file a modification request with the court.
  • Informing authorities: If you are worried your children are in immediate danger, contact local authorities. They can intervene and ensure your children are safe. Any abuse that does happen should be reported to child protective services.

Schedule a Consultation with a Miami, FL Family Law Attorney

Protecting your children from an abusive ex is a top priority. Speak with a qualified Miami, FL family lawyer about taking legal steps like seeking protective orders and documenting abuse. You do not need to face this challenge alone. At Miami Family Law Group, PLLC we are passionate about helping families overcome problems and get a fresh start. Call us at 305-520-7874 to schedule a consultation to discuss this further.

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