
Key Examples of Non-Compliance Following a Miami Divorce

 Posted on December 11, 2023 in Divorce

Blog ImageDivorce in South Florida involves many of the same issues that can be found in divorces across the country, encompassing topics such as the division of assets, determination of child custody, and establishment of support obligations, among other things. In Miami, like in any other jurisdiction, compliance with court orders and agreements is crucial to ensure a fair and smooth transition for both parties involved. Unfortunately, non-compliance can occur, leading to various legal consequences. If you are in a situation where your ex-spouse is non-compliant with your divorce decree, contact a lawyer right away

Most Common Forms of Non-Compliance in Florida Divorce

  • Failure to pay child support – One of the most common forms of non-compliance following a divorce is the failure to pay court-ordered child support. When one parent neglects their financial obligations toward their children, it can tremendously impact the custodial parent's ability to provide for the child's needs. Non-payment of child support can result in legal actions such as wage garnishment, suspension of driver's licenses, or even imprisonment in extreme scenarios. 
  • Violation of visitation or custody orders – Another common form of non-compliance is when one parent violates visitation or custody orders. This can occur when a parent refuses to allow the other parent access to the child during scheduled visitation times or attempts to interfere with the custodial parent's rights. In such cases, the aggrieved parent can seek legal remedies, such as filing a motion for contempt or modifying the custody agreement.
  • Failure to divide marital assets – During a divorce, marital assets are typically divided equitably between the spouses. However, non-compliance can occur when one party fails to disclose all assets or attempts to hide assets to avoid a fair distribution. This can lead to legal actions, including reopening the divorce case and imposing financial penalties. 
  • Disregard for alimony obligations – In some Florida divorces, one spouse may need to pay alimony or spousal support to the other. Non-compliance can occur when the obligated spouse fails to make the required payments or intentionally reduces their income to avoid their financial responsibilities. The recipient spouse can seek enforcement through legal means, such as wage garnishment or filing a motion for contempt. 

Contact a Miami, FL Divorce Lawyer 

A non-compliant spouse can make life post-divorce extremely difficult. Luckily, however, you do not need to put up with a spouse failing to maintain their side of the divorce decree. Contact the experienced Miami, FL divorce attorneys with Miami Family Law Group, PLLC. Call 305-520-7874 for a private consultation.

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